
I’m Stephen Carr and this is the home of the web serial, Big Nose Kate!

When she came wandering in from the desert, feral as a coyote, she had no recollection of her past–not even a name. Taken in by the local blacksmith, Big Nose Kate begins a new life as an apprentice. But their quietude is soon disturbed when a botched séance triggers the arrival of an otherworldly stranger. Bullets fly, shattering her hopes of a life as a blacksmith. Now Kate must run, but the only way to survive is to confront what was forgotten.

This project ain’t finished. I’m discovering it only a little bit ahead of you. There are minor edits (grammatical, communicative, and plot related) made before posting, but what you receive isn’t much different than what I first wrote.  I’m releasing it one chapter at a time. Which is scary.

It’s scary because it could leave you with the wrong impression. That I’m not good enough. That I’m a novice. That I’m not up to snuff. That I’m an amateur. Which, matter of fact, is true! This is my debut work. However, I’m tired of writing in a closed room. I’m tired of worrying over criticism. I want my work to be critiqued. I want to write solid stories and share them. So, that’s why I’m releasing my work in this way. And if this Weird Western strikes your fancy, I would love your input. Comment. Critique.

This is only the first draft and it’s a work in progress. Once this draft is complete, I think it would be interesting to compare it with the following drafts. Line them up. Side by side. Maybe it could wind up serving as a tool and encouragement for other writers. See the process. Witness a fellow writer face his fears. I don’t know. But, when all is polished, maybe eight or more drafts (at least that seems to be the standard for a lot of published authors) I would love to publish Big Nose Kate as a physical book. A book that you can hold in your hand. A book that you can play a role in bringing to life.

Big Nose Kate will be free on this website. I hope its funny and exciting and sad (at the right moments) and that the fantastical elements are indeed fantastic.

Delve into the world of Big Nose Kate, beginning with Chapter 1.

Or, click here for the Current Chapter, which was released on September 19th, 2024.

Everything is on schedule (thus far) and expect the next chapter of Big Nose Kate every other Thursday. If anything changes, I will be sure to let you know.

If you’re worried about forgetting or just don’t want to have to keep checking this website, then subscribe to receive the next chapter in your email!

Books aren’t created alone. Not even websites. My brother-in-law, Jonathan, helped me create this site. 

My other brother-in-law, Daniel, and my friend, TJ, have been encouraging and held me accountable to a writing schedule. 

Hannah, my sister-in-law, has suffered through many revisions of a previous story, yet remains supportive, for which I am grateful. 

I need to thank my daughter. Her love for creating her own stories inspire me to keep writing.  

Most importantly, without the help of my wife, Sarah, none of this would be possible. She is my first reader and is crucial into breathing life into Big Nose Kate’s world. And mine as well. Without her, I wouldn’t have even tried.

Check out my YouTube Channel!